Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday items.

On RCM, Louis Woodhill posits the novel theory that the Fed’s Interest on Reserves program caused the 2008 financial crisis.

At Forbes, Econoclasts author Brian Domitrovic explains that the world is desperate for the U.S. to stabilize the dollar.

On The Kudlow Report, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) discounts demand side economics and underscores sound money:

On Forbes, Charles Kadlec advocates a gold-based international currency system.

At NRO, Larry Kudlow expresses cautious optimism about the deficit commission report.

Reuters reports the commission’s tax reform options.

Also on Kudlow, James Pethokoukis debates how to pay for the Bush tax rate extension:

The NYT hosts a debate on the gold standard but can’t find a single pro-gold economist.

At IBD, Walter Williams debunks trade deficit paranoia.

From Vlad Signorelli at Bretton Woods Research:

Reports this morning that Obama may have 'conceded' on extending Bush-era tax cuts for upper incomes may have been premature. The National Journal reports that [presidential advisor David] Axelrod clarified his stance around 9am, signaling the White House is still opposed to the idea.

Nonetheless, Obama's rhetoric is slowly evolving for the better as he is now conceding that economic growth is at least just as good as tax increases in reducing the deficit. Today, Obama made the point in Seoul that if economic growth increased by "1 percentage point over time that could have as much impact as completely eliminating the Bush tax cuts." And he added, "The single most important thing we can do to reduce our debt and deficits is to grow." Therefore, despite Axelrod's inept comments this morning, Obama seems to be gravitating toward growth solutions, which may spare expiration of Bush-era tax cuts on all.

On Forbes, Rich Karlgaard sees the worst of the recession as past.

From 2007, Art Laffer clarifies the claim that tax rates pay for themselves.

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