Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend round up.

On RCM, John Tamny argues lower housing prices are good for the economy.

Also on RCM, Larry Kudlow advocates pro-growth tactics to improve the employment picture.

From The Heritage Foundation, Steve Forbes makes the moral case for capitalism:

The NY Sun advocates an audit of Federal Reserve bail outs.

In The WSJ, John Fund reports the Americans prefer spending cuts to tax increases by 59% to 30%.

The Huffington Post reports just how grim the unemployment data really is:

At The San Francisco Chronicle, Lisa Smith summarizes the Laffer Curve.

From AEI’s The American, Donald Losman rejects deflation predictions, citing rising gold.

Also in The Journal, Holman Jenkins notes weakening support for the euro among former
Even faced with maximal turmoil, Europeans are still trying to have it both ways. The bailout to-ing and fro-ing by European authorities is conditioned largely on their unwillingness to choose between conflicting goals—on one hand, a continent of competitive and open economies; on the other hand, a "social model" that cushions established interest groups and voting blocs from the stress of competition.

A very different approach to managing the current crisis is imaginable. Put the European Central Bank in charge of printing liquidity to prop up the continent's banks. (Right now it's printing liquidity to prop up governments, which are propping up the banks.) Let badly indebted governments go into default and negotiate more manageable terms with their creditors (mostly banks). Let politicians in these countries invest their limited political capital in promoting growth rather than austerity. Let them cut taxes and deregulate their labor markets.

This would certainly sound preferable to voters than job-killing tax hikes and spending cuts to appease far-off German taxpayers who are being dragooned into refinancing their insupportable debts. The most encompassing description of Europe's problem, after all, is the one not mentioned enough: a shortage of growth.

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