Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday articles.

At RCM, Louis Woodhill makes the essential point that strong growth can overcome the national debt.

On CNBC, David Malpass suggests fiscal, not monetary, policy is needed to restore growth.

At the Peter Peterson-funded Fiscal Times, Bruce Bartlett does a great public service with a list of classic supply-side articles.

Larry Kudlow explains that printing money doesn't create jobs or investment.

On The Kudlow Report, John Tamny discusses the unstable dollar's role in the current malaise.

The WSJ editorial page opposes quantitative easing from the Fed, but cites fiscal policy as the primary obstacle to growth.

Curiously, The Journal also says, "The danger to this fragile recovery isn't that the Fed will repeat its overtightening mistake of 1937-38. With Mr. Bernanke at the helm, there was never even a remote chance of that." Of course, supply-side guru and Nobel Laureate Robert Mundell thinks it was precisely Bernanke's "overtightening mistake" that caused the financial crisis and the Great Recession.

At, Ben Engebreth finds that tax revenue as a percentage of GDP has been fairly stable for 50 years, and that the rate of growth determines revenue.

Nathan Lewis made a similar point, here. As did David Ranson.

Brian Wesbury argues stimulus spending is ineffective.

At The Heritage Foundation’s Foundry blog, Kathryn Nix cites Art Laffer in defending lower tax rates.

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