Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend update.

At NRO, Larry Kudlow suggests the dollar’s decline is causing Egypt’s food riots and destabilizing the developing world.

From 1998, Jude Wanniski recounts how the 1970s weak collar caused revolutions in Iran and Iraq.

On The Kudlow Report, Don Luskin assesses the world inflation situation and how it will impact the U.S.:

At Asia Times, David Goldman recommends buying oil stocks.

On Fox Business News, David Malpass discusses Egypt.

Steve Forbes delivers a superb address at the Reagan Library, including a substantial discussion of the dollar and gold:

At Forbes, Nathan Lewis explains that gold-backed currency is the most stable and reliable.

The NY Sun editorializes on the recent decline in gold.

At Asia Times, David Goldman notes that U.S. exports to China are one of the economy’s few bright spots:

From AEI, John Makin examines the prospects of the yuan becoming a world currency.

The Asian Financial Forum releases a summary of Robert Mundell’s recent speech.

On Alhurra TV, Steve Forbes discusses how to create more jobs (the opening is in Arabic but the interview is in English):

In Forbes, Reuven Brenner reports on Federal Reserve bookkeeping.

From City Journal, Nicole Gelinas makes a strong argument for a 21st century Reaganomics.

The WSJ analyzes the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report:
The questions to which Americans need answers are: Why did the pursuit of riches lead to catastrophe in 2008, and why was the crisis concentrated in housing and the mortgage-securities markets?

Democrats on the commission mention the role of Federal Reserve monetary policy in creating a credit bubble, but they spend far more time arguing that the Fed should have prevented the consequences of this subsidy for financial products with heavier regulation of lending. But when have regulators ever in history had the wit or will to stop a credit-fueled financial mania? Read your Kindleberger, guys.
Also in The Journal, Stephen Moore recounts conservative disappointment at Mike Pence’s decision not to run for president.

Cato’s Dan Mitchell notes the Laffer Curve effect of tax changes in France.

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