Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday articles.

Robert Mundell hopes the yuan's rise is modest.

In The WSJ, Steve Hanke argues it's good Greece can't devalue its currency, and that it should solve its problems with tax cuts.

Nathan Lewis made a similar argument a couple months back.

Larry Kudlow predicts slow growth but not a double dip recession.

Richard Rahn explains that Keynesian spending does not lead to prosperity.

Fred Thompson interviews The WSJ’s Stephen Moore on the failure of Keynesianism.

Monetarist Allan H. Meltzer explains why Obamanomics isn't working.

TNR's Jonathan Chait suggests supply-side economics means permanent tax cuts with every recession, eventually leading to zero tax revenue. He misses that if supply-side policies were followed consistently, there would be many fewer recessions and a lot more growth.

NYT columnist David Leonhardt sees 1937 all over again.

At Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen says Leonhardt is wrong because his analysis omits monetary policy. I would add that Leonhardt and Cowen omit tariff and tax policy.

Hip Hop Republican urges Republicans to embrace Jack Kemp's urban enterprise zones.

The NYT links Ireland's recession to its austerity program. But was it the spending cuts or the tax increases that really did it in?

Paul Krugman notes the bond market is not behaving like inflation is a concern.

Media Matters for America disputes the claim that tax cuts stimulate growth.

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